Putting Barnsley people first...
Mental health and wellbeing strategy
Developing an All - Age Mental Health and Wellbeing Commissioning Strategy for Barnsley
In 2015/16 we worked alongside our partners within health and social care in Barnsley to develop an all-age (i.e. children, working age adults and the elderly – excluding dementia services) local Mental Health and Wellbeing Commissioning Strategy to cover the period up to 2020.
We received invaluable feedback throughout our two dedicated phases of engagement carried out over the latter half of 2015 to help shape the direction and content of the final version of the strategy.
The final version of the strategy has been compiled taking into consideration the following:
all the feedback that we received throughout the multi phased engagement process that has been undertaken with service users, carers and mental health professionals across Barnsley;
recent national mental health policy guidance;
the recent transformational work that is already underway relating to the delivery of mental health services in Barnsley.
How your feedback influenced the new strategy
A 'You Said, We Listened' report detailing how and where the strategy has been influenced by the feedback gathered throughout the engagement process is available to read here
Final strategy
We are pleased to say that following the June 2016 meeting of the Barnsley Health and Wellbeing Board, the final version of the All – Age Mental Health and Wellbeing Commissioning Strategy for Barnsley has now been finally approved and a copy of the document can is available to read here.
Links/ copies of the above have been circulated to all respondents who provided their details as part of the engagement process for their information and reference.
What happens next?
It is anticipated that this strategy will be reviewed on an annual basis between 2016 and 2020 and the supporting action plan will be reviewed on a six monthly basis throughout the lifespan of strategy.
It is the intention for the supporting action plan to be used as a working document. It is to be updated by partners on a regular basis to aid the monitoring of progress against the six key areas highlighted within the strategy.
If you have any comments relating to any of the above, please get in touch.
If you would like a copy of the strategy in another format, please email barnccg.comms@nhs.net or call us on 01226 433721/433773