Putting Barnsley people first...

Strategies policies and plans
Our policies and procedures
Policies and procedures relating to the conduct of our business and the provision of service
Members of NHS Boards, Clinical Commissioning Group governing bodies and NHS managers are expected to meet core standards of conduct. The following documents have been developed to guide managers in the work they do and the decisions and choices they have to make and to reassure the public that these important decisions are being made against a background of professional standards and accountability.
Information about the standards for members of NHS boards and Clinical Commissioning Group governing bodies in England can be found here and the Standards can be found here.
The Code of Conduct of NHS managers can be found here.
Strategies and Plans
South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) and the Barnsley Plan - click on the link to read more about the vision, ambitions and priorities for the future of health and care in the region.
Barnsley All-Age Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2015-2020
NHS Barnsley Clinical Commissioning Group Strategic Commissioning Plan 2015 refresh
Barnsley Carers' Strategy 2017-2020 #BarnsleyCares -a strategy by carers for carers
Barnsley Local Transformation Plan for Children and Young People's Mental Health and Wellbeing
Better Care Fund Part 1 - Final and Better Care Fund Part 2 - Final
NHS Barnsley Clinical Commissioning Group response to the Francis Report
- Green plan
- Violence, Prevention and Reduction Strategy
Corporate Policies
Information Governance Policies
Human Resources Policies
Policy on Trade Union Recognition and Facilities and Time off for Trade Union Representatives
Maternity, Paternity, Adoption, Carers and Parental Leave Policy
Working Time Regulations Policy including Secondary Employment
- Trans Equality in the workplace Policy
- Dress Code and Appearance Policy
Finance and Corporate Governance
Quality and Safety Policies
Vaccination and Immunisation Policy and Procedure for Registered Nurses
Infection prevention & control - primary care general practice policies and safe practice guidance
South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Commissioning for Outcomes Policy, Guidance and Patient Information
- Access to infertility treatment policy
- Commissioning Guidelines for Specialist Plastic Surgery Procedures