Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) 2021

  • Name of organisation:NHS Barnsley CCG
  • Date of report: August 2021
  • Name and title of governing body lead for the Workforce Race Equality Standard:Chris Edwards, Accountable Officer, Barnsley CCG
  • Name and contact details of lead manager compiling this report: Esther Short, HR & OD Business Partner

Background narrative

Issues of completeness of data?

  • There is no mechanism currently for recording non mandatory training and CPD. Data included relates to the staff survey responses, which may include mandatory training.

Matters relating to reliability of comparisons with previous years?

  • NHS Barnsley CCG have not participated in the national NHS Staff Survey this year but have commissioned a bespoke survey, the results of which have been collated and used to update the WRES report and associated action plan.

Total number of staff employed within this organisation at the date of the report:

  • There are 165 directly employed staff as at 31st March 2021 (including those staff that are ‘hosted’ by the CCG on behalf for the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System).

Proportion of BAME (Black Asian Minority Ethnic) staff employed within this organisation at the date of the report:

  • The proportion of BAME staff employed within the organisation is 11.5%

The proportion of total staff that have self–reported their ethnicity:

  • 100% (due to self-reporting functionality)

Have any steps been taken in the last reporting period to improve the level of self-reporting by ethnicity?

  • Employees have direct access to their personal information on the Electronic Staff Record via Employee Self Service and are encouraged to update their personal information.

Workforce data

What period does the organisation’s workforce data refer to?

  • As at 31st March 2021

Workforce race equality indicators

For each of these workforce indicators, compare the data for White and BAME staff.

1) Percentage of staff in each of the AfC Bands 1-9 and VSM (including executive Board members) compared with the percentage of staff in the overall workforce. Organisations should undertake this calculation separately for non-clinical and for clinical staff.

Data For Reporting Year:

The proportion of BAME staff employed within the organisation was 11.5%

The percentage for BAME staff is as follows in each of the AfC Bands (Non-clinical): The percentage of BAME staff is as follows in each of the AfC Bands (Clinical)
Band 2 – 0% Band 2 – NA
Band 3 – 0% Band 3 – NA
Band 4 – 0% Band 4 – NA
Band 5 – 0% Band 5 – NA
Band 6 – 0% Band 6 – 6.3%
Band 7 – 7.1% Band 7 – 0%
Band 8a – 6.7% Band 8a – 37.9%
Band 8b – 0% Band 8b – 14.3%
Band 8c – 0% Band 8c – 0%
Band 8d – 0% Band 8d – 0%
VSM – 0% VSM – 50%
Medical and Dental – N/A Medical and Dental – 37.5%
Personal/ad hoc salary – 0% Personal/ad hoc salary – NA

Data For Previous Year:

The proportion of BAME staff employed within the organisation was 13.6%.

The percentage for BAME staff is as follows in each of the AfC Bands (Non-clinical): The percentage of BAME staff is as follows in each of the AfC Bands (Clinical)
Band 2 – NA Band 2 – N/A
Band 3 – 0.0% Band 3 – N/A
Band 4 – 0.0% Band 4 – N/A
Band 5 – 0.0% Band 5 – N/A
Band 6 – 0% Band 6 – 10.0%
Band 7 – 0.0% Band 7 – 7.14%
Band 8a – 7.69% Band 8a – 36.67%
Band 8b – 0.0% Band 8b – 16.67%
Band 8c – 0.0% Band 8c – 0.0%
Band 8d – 0.0% Band 8d – 0.0%
VSM – 0.0% VSM – 100%
Medical and Dental – NA Medical and Dental – 30%
Personal/ad hoc salary – 0.0% Personal/ad hoc salary NA

The implications of the data and any additional background explanatory narrative. Action taken and planned including e.g. does the indicator link to EDS2 evidence and/or a corporate Equality Objective.

Action taken and planned including e.g. does the indicator link to EDS2 evidence and/or a corporate Equality Objective

  • Please see the action plan in appendix A below.

2) Relative likelihood of staff being appointed from shortlisting across all posts.

Data For Reporting Year: For the period 1st April 2019 – 31st March 2021:

  • Likelihood of White staff being appointed from shortlisting = 0.34
  • Likelihood of BAME staff being appointed from shortlisting = 0
  • Relative likelihood of white staff being appointed from shortlisting compared to BME staff (White number divide by BME number) is therefore absolute

Data For Previous Year: For the period 1st April 2019 – 31st March 2020:

  • Likelihood of White staff being appointed from shortlisting = 0.47
  • Likelihood of BAME staff being appointed from shortlisting = 0.33
  • Relative likelihood of white staff being appointed from shortlisting compared to BAME staff (White number divide by BAME number) is therefore 1.42 times greater.

The implications of the data and any additional background explanatory narrative. Action taken and planned including e.g. does the indicator link to EDS2 evidence and/or a corporate Equality Objective.

  • NHS Barnsley CCG will continue to deliver Recruitment and Selection Training throughout 2021/ 2022, with the advice that at least one member of each interview panel has attended the training.

3) Relative likelihood of staff entering the formal disciplinary process, as measured by entry into a formal disciplinary investigation. This indicator will be based on data from a two year rolling average of the current year and the previous year.

Data For Reporting Year:

  • There were 0 formal disciplinary processes within the period.

Data For Previous Year:

  • There were 0 formal disciplinary processes within the period.

The implications of the data and any additional background explanatory narrative. Action taken and planned including e.g. does the indicator link to EDS2 evidence and/or a corporate Equality Objective.

  • The CCG will continue to monitor employee relations cases and subsequent formal disciplinary action and equality data of those employees involved in the process.

4) Relative likelihood of staff accessing non-mandatory training and CPD

Data for reporting year:

  • 90% of staff received equality diversity and inclusion training in the period. No further data was collated in ESR (electronic staff record HR system).

Data for previous year:

  • 95% staff received equality diversity and inclusion training in the period. No further data was collated in ESR.

The implications of the data and any additional background explanatory narrative. Action taken and planned including e.g. does the indicator link to EDS2 evidence and/or a corporate Equality Objective.

  • The CCG will continue to monitor the completion of personal development reviews (PDR) for all staff and ensure the collation of this data in ESR for 2020 / 2021. The CCG will also look to collate information relating to non-mandatory training accessed by staff via the Learning and Development Request Form.

National NHS staff survey results (or equivalent)

For each of the four staff survey indicators, compare the outcomes of the responses for White and BAME staff.

5) KF 25. Percentage of staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from patients, relatives or the public in last 12 months.

Data for reporting year: 94% of staff had not experienced harassment, bullying or abuse from patients, relatives or members of the public in last 12 months.

 Of the 6% that had experienced this, the breakdown is as follows:

Background  % response within group
White 83%
Prefer not to say 17%


Data for previous year:74.8% of staff had not experienced harassment, bullying or abuse from patients, relatives or members of the public in last 12 months.

Of the 25.2% that had experienced this, the breakdown is as follows:

Background  % response within group
White 86%
BAME 14%

The implications of the data and any additional background explanatory narrative. Action taken and planned including e.g. does the indicator link to EDS2 evidence and/or a corporate Equality Objective.

  • The CCG introduced a Zero Tolerance Policy in January 2020 that sets out clearly how acts of, and allegations of, physical and non-physical assault against its staff are investigated and responded to.

6) KF 26. Percentage of staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from staff in last 12 months

Data for reporting year:

  • 6% of white employees stated that they had experienced harassment, bullying or abuse in last 12 months from managers compared to 0% of BAME staff.
  • 6% of white employees stated that they had experienced harassment, bullying or abuse in last 12 months from other colleagues compared to 0% of BAME staff.

Data for previous year:

  • 13.2% of white employees stated that they had experienced harassment, bullying or abuse in last 12 months from managers compared to 10% of BAME staff.
  • 11.8% of white employees stated that they had experienced harassment, bullying or abuse in last 12 months from other colleagues compared to 10% of BAME staff.

The implications of the data and any additional background explanatory narrative. Action taken and planned including e.g. does the indicator link to EDS2 evidence and/or a corporate Equality Objective.

7) KF 21. Percentage believing that trust provides equal opportunities for career progression or promotion

Data for reporting year:

  • 68% of white employees believed the CCG act fairly with regards to career progression compared to 70% of employees from a BAME background.

Data for previous year:

  • 96.1% of white employees believed the CCG act fairly with regards to career progression compared to 100% of employees from a BAME background.

The implications of the data and any additional background explanatory narrative. Action taken and planned including e.g. does the indicator link to EDS2 evidence and/or a corporate Equality Objective.

  • The CCG will continue to engage in staff focus groups to understand whether there is an interest amongst staff to create staff networks.

8) In the last 12 months have you personally experienced discrimination at work from any of the following? b) Manager/team leader or other colleagues

Data for reporting year:

  • 3% of staff from a white background stated that they had experienced discrimination at work compared to 0% of staff from a BAME background and 1% of staff who preferred not to disclose their ethnic origin.

Data for previous year:

  • 6.5% of staff from a white background stated that they had experienced discrimination at work compared to 10% of staff from a BAME background.

The implications of the data and any additional background explanatory narrative. Action taken and planned including e.g. does the indicator link to EDS2 evidence and/or a corporate Equality Objective.

  • The CCG will continue to actively promote the range of policies and procedures that the organisation have to support staff that may feel discriminated against, including the Acceptable Standards of Behaviour Policy and the Grievance Policy.
  • One to one meetings are promoted as part of staff local induction; line management training programmes and the PDR process as an opportunity for staff to address any concerns they may have with their line manager in an informal setting, where appropriate.
  • The CCG has an open and transparent Recruitment and Selection process, outlined in the CCG’s Policy and Training sessions including Recruitment and Selection Training are planned for 2021/ 2022.

9) Percentage difference between the organisations’ Board voting membership and its overall workforce

Data for reporting year:

  • The Governing Body has 33% of BAME staff compared to 11.5% of the overall workforce.

Data for previous year:

  • The Governing Body has 30.77% of BAME staff compared to 13.6% of the overall workforce.

The implications of the data and any additional background explanatory narrative. Action taken and planned including e.g. does the indicator link to EDS2 evidence and/or a corporate Equality Objective.

  • The CCG ensures that any recruitment campaigns for Lay members and members of the Governing Body are conducted in line with the CCG’s open and transparent Recruitment and Selection process, outlined in the CCGs Policy.

Current WRES action plan

This action plan will be reviewed and refreshed on a regular basis throughout the remainder of 21/22.

By When
All Work with staff to review the outline WRES results and develop a more detailed action plan. Communicate that across the organisation.  September/October 2021
All Look to develop / support our staff to attend local BME staff network groups. Ongoing
All  Continue to develop and support the role of allyship across the organisation. Ongoing
All Introduce and support staff within the CCG to the concept of ‘reciprocal mentoring’, bringing together staff from different backgrounds and roles / departments to offer alternative view points.  Local programme to start September 2021
Indicator 1 & 2 Continue to ensure that Values Based Recruitment (VBR) Techniques are embedded within the organisation:
• Actively promoting VBR as part of HR training sessions where appropriate
• Ensure the VBR guide is shared with all recruiting managers at the point of shortlisting
• Support managers with interview processes including VBR techniques as required
Indicator 1, 2, 3, 4 & 7 Continue to deliver ‘Line Management Essentials’ training to include principles of fair Recruitment and Selection:
• Fair recruitment and selection processes in line with legislation and organisational policy
• Safe recruitment
• Values Based Recruitment
• Equality and Diversity
Indicator 8  Continue to ensure that any concerns raised with regard to equality and diversity are managed and addressed appropriately, fairly and effectively. Ongoing


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