Barnsley GP urges people not to ignore unexplained changes
23 April 2020

Dr Kadarsha, GP lead for cancer at Barnsley Clinical Commissioning Group, is urging people not to ignore any unexplained changes to their body or concerns which could indicate the presence of cancer. Please don’t put off contacting your GP during the Covid-19 crisis.

‘Suspicious of cancer’ referrals, when a GP refers a patient to a specialist hospital team to be seen within a two week timescale, are down by nearly half at the moment. Health teams are concerned that people are putting off contacting their GP as they normally would because of potential health concerns regarding coronavirus, or leaving their house against government advice.

Dr Kadarsha said: “The number of people I am referring for tests, to see if it is a suspected cancer, has dropped significantly over the last month. People are not contacting the surgery with symptoms that could indicate a need for further investigations that could diagnose cancer or more usually give them the ‘all clear’. 

“I really want to stress that if you or your family and friends are concerned about unusual changes to your body don’t put off contacting your GP. We are only a phone call away for any of your health concerns. Having spoken to your GP on the telephone they may be able to reassure you, or ask you to see them in the surgery for an examination and other tests and referrals if they are required. They can do this safely and quickly.”

The earlier people are diagnosed with cancer the better the outcome.

GP surgeries remain open across with patients asked to telephone their surgery if you wish to make an appointment with your doctor and nurse. Surgeries have processes in place to ensure they can continue to treat their patients safely. You can use the DoctorLink app if you have access to technology for online and video GP consultations, so people don’t always need to visit the surgery in person.

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