Dr Nick Balac offers reassurance in times of change
03 April 2020

Dr Nick Balac, local GP in Athersley and New Lodge and chair of Barnsley clinical commissioning group.

Above all the things I do as a GP one thing is usually top of the list - offering reassurance. Now, more than in any time I’ve ever known as a doctor, it is as important as ever.

Our local GP practices and pharmacies are the places we visit most when we have a health problem. Until coronavirus arrived, GPs and primary care nurses alone across England, saw and treated around 1.2 million patients per day. That gives you an idea of the scale of how our NHS services work. And so during these current times, I’ve no doubt that many people will be feeling unsure and anxious as those very services we rely on have to change.

There are around 100 GP surgeries and pharmacies across the borough, all of whom have been doing a fantastic job over this past couple of weeks to respond quickly to the emerging pandemic and the guidance which has come out to us all. Thank you for your patience as we continue to run services in a very different environment.

As well changing some routine booked appointments we’ve had to move to telephone appointments. At my practice the majority of consultations I have now are over the phone and many other GPs across Barnsley are now set up to do video appointments. I can understand people’s nervousness and perhaps frustrations, but, if we can identify and sort out the problem without having to bring the patient into the building, this way of doing things is invaluable in the current circumstances.

For a small number of patients who might need to be seen face to face, this can be done safely and in a planned way. The footfall through our practices has now dropped considerably. Where the practice was once heaving with patients waiting to be seen, it’s now unusual to see anyone other than staff.

As we do this to protect you, we also do it to protect the staff who we’ll need to see us through this pandemic. We’ve seen so many heart-warming messages of support for frontline staff. I saw that someone had dropped off a survival kit with chocolates, tea and coffee into one GP practice and the posters and messages that come through will be what keeps everyone going as we work hard to respond to everyone’s health needs. There has been a huge response from local communities too who are supporting each other and of course, there was the clapping for carers last week which was certainly felt across Barnsley.

Over the coming days and weeks you will see more changes to GP services as we add additional clinics for people who have COVID-19 symptoms but have another healthcare need.

The organisation of this response is being led by our local GP federation and colleagues working in the clinical commissioning group. Many GP practices have more than one surgery site and so as more people become poorly or need to self-isolate, including our own staff, it is very likely that some sites may close temporarily or telephone lines might be busier at certain times of the day. You may have appointment with GPs and practice staff who you haven’t spoken to before as we all pull together and ensure that we support everyone. The same might happen with your local pharmacy too. For both situations there will always be clear guidance on who you can talk to or which site you can go to.

But through all this, please be reassured that all of the NHS teams, alongside our colleagues in social care, the hospice and in care homes are working together with your very best interests at heart. We will be there for you.

It’s time for me to thank you now. Thank you for staying home. Thank you for letting someone know if you need things delivered or picked up from the shops or pharmacy. Thank you for helping us save lives.

This is a printable version of https://www.barnsleyccg.nhs.uk/news/Dr-Nick-Balac-Coronavirus.htm?pr=