Events and workshops help make safeguarding everybody’s business
19 June 2018

Prevention will be the key theme of this year’s Safeguarding Awareness Week (SAW18) (Monday, 9 to Friday, 13 July) and there are plenty of ways for people to get involved. 

Safeguarding means keeping Barnsley adults and children safe from harm. 

Barnsley Council has been busily working with its partners from health, the emergency services, the third sector and others, to raise awareness of what safeguarding is, the many situations in which it can arise and, importantly, signpost people to the organisations which can offer the right type of help and support. 

The SAW18 programme has been put together to be relevant to members of the public, families and friends of children and adults in need of safeguarding, professionals and volunteers. 

Starting with a launch event for professionals at Barnsley College Old Mill Lane Site on Monday 9 July, the week will also feature information displays, drop-in sessions and workshops at venues across the borough. 

SAW18 will see a range of free activities across Barnsley to which members of the public and safeguarding professionals are encouraged to attend. Full details of the SAW18 programme are now available via this direct page 

More information will be available on social media, which people can follow using the hashtag #SAW18. Updates will also be given via a dedicated Facebook event page, Safeguarding Awareness Week 2018. 

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