Flu vaccinations offered to 50-64 year olds across Barnsley
26 November 2020

Adults between the age of 50 and 64 will be able to get their free flu vaccine during December and into next year in the next phase of the expanded flu vaccination programme in Barnsley.

Dr Nick Balac, NHS Barnsley Clinical Commissioning Group said: “This year is like no other, and we have to worry about the twin threats of flu and COVID-19. 

“COVID means getting a flu jab is more important than ever and so health services in Barnsley have been delivering the largest ever flu vaccination programme since September. The next stage will be free vaccinations for 50 to 64 years olds, which GPs and pharmacies will start offering during December.”

The extended offer comes as part of the most comprehensive flu vaccination programme in the UK’s history this winter, alongside plans to support the NHS as it continues to respond to coronavirus, and to relieve winter pressures on health and care services.

“We are still in the middle of the flu vaccine season. GPs and pharmacies are still vaccinating those people who would usually be eligible. We have seen a fantastic response to the flu programme already in Barnsley and as more flu vaccine stock becomes available they will continue to vaccinate throughout the winter. We’d like to thank everyone for coming forward so early. We’ve seen nearly 75% of over 65 year olds have their vaccine already in Barnsley. We’re still keen to see more two and three year olds who haven’t had their flu vaccine yet, as well as those under 65 who are eligible because of a health condition.”

Dr Balac urged those aged 50-64 to wait for their GP practice to contact them: “It’s really important that if you’re aged 50-64 you wait for your GP to contact you about getting your free flu vaccine. They will contact you during December as their vaccine stocks arrive. Please wait until you are invited by your practice to come forward for your flu vaccine.”

This is a printable version of https://www.barnsleyccg.nhs.uk/news/Flu-vaccinations-offered-to-50-64-year-olds-across-Barnsley.htm?pr=