NHS team offering free courses for people struggling with mental health
23 January 2020

People in Barnsley experiencing common mental health conditions are being encouraged to seek help from a team of local NHS specialists.

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT), run by South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, helps people get quick and easy access to the best type of therapy for common mental health conditions such as anxiety, stress and depression.

The IAPT team runs a number of free courses and workshops covering topics such as mindfulness, problem solving, and understanding bereavement. IAPT also offers a six-week course called ‘Stress Pac’, which provides people with tools and techniques to help understand and manage stress, anxiety and depression.

People are able to book directly onto these courses through the team’s website – www.barnsleyiapt.co.uk

Liz Holdsworth, team manager, said: “This can be a difficult time of year for lots of people. With IAPT’s support, you don’t need to try and cope alone. Our experienced professionals offer online treatments, telephone treatments, and face to face treatment, so you can find a way that works for you.

“At our sessions you’ll learn a number of different techniques which have been shown to help improve your ability to manage your stress levels and improve confidence and general wellbeing. Many people talk about making a change for the New Year so if you’ve been finding things hard, now is an ideal time to get in touch with our IAPT services.”

Find out more about the team and the dates and times of all courses at www.barnsleyiapt.co.uk. You can also call the team to book on 01226 644900.

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