Over 300 people come forward for Barnsley town-centre vaccine drop-in
23 June 2021

The Barnsley NHS GP vaccination service vaccinated over 300 people at the first drop-in clinic to be run in Barnsley town centre last Saturday (19th June).

The drop-in clinics are just one way the local NHS is reaching people who have been eligible for their vaccine for a while but haven’t come forward yet. Organisers from the GP-run service say the day was a real success.

Andrea Parkin, head nurse at the Barnsley GP vaccine service said: “I’m really pleased that so many people came down and Barnsley market was an ideal venue. I spoke to lots of people who had been putting off having their vaccine. It’s important to remember that even though we have fantastic vaccination rates in Barnsley, some people are nervous or worried and some still have questions. That’s why these smaller drop-ins can be really helpful for some people. You can come along, in your own time, the team are on hand to answer any questions. People relax a bit and feel more confident.”

The vaccine team is planning to hold the next drop-in clinic at the Apollo Court vaccination venue on the High Street in Dodworth on Saturday 26th June. The clinic is for any Barnsley residents aged 25-40 who need their 1st dose.

Those aged between 25 and 40 are encouraged to come down at any point during the 10am to 2.30pm clinic to avoid longer queues.

Andrea also has advice for those attending for their 1st vaccine: “We always advise people to make sure they’ve had something to eat, even if it’s a snack, and are hydrated before coming down for their vaccine. You might be standing waiting for longer than you think and so dress for the weather too.”

Anyone aged 18 or over who isn’t eligible, or able, to attend the vaccine drop-in, is encouraged to book their appointments online at www.nhs.uk/covidvaccine or by calling 119.

Background information:

  • Parking at Apollo Court itself is limited. People attending are advised to plan ahead and be considerate of local residents and shops if coming by car. Coming throughout the 10am-2.30pm time slot will avoid being in longer queues.
  • The Barnsley NHS GP Vaccination Service is run by Barnsley Healthcare Federation as part of the Barnsley Primary Care Network
  • It is important to get both doses of the vaccine. Your second dose 8-12 weeks after your 1st

Please contact the Barnsley CCG communications team for media enquiries: barnccg.comms@nhs.net


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