Putting Barnsley people first...
Continuing Healthcare
What is Continuing Healthcare?
The revised National Framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS Funded Nursing care 2018 will be introduced from the 1st October 2018.
Continuing Healthcare (CHC) is a package of on going care that is arranged and funded solely by the NHS for adults in England who have been found to have a “primary health need”. There is no financial assessment for the individual to contribute to the cost of the care.
Continuing Healthcare can be provided in a variety of settings outside of the hospital such as your own home or in a registered care home. To find out if someone is eligible for Continuing Healthcare they must be assessed by a team of health and social care professionals.
If you would like more information regarding Continuing Healthcare, you can do this by either by visiting the Department of Health and Social Care website or by viewing the following tools:
- NHS Continuing Healthcare checklist
- NHS Continuing Healthcare decision support tool
- NHS Continuing Healthcare fast-track pathway tool
- NHS Continuing Healthcare public information leaflet
- NHS Continuing Healthcare - Easy Read Guide
Barnsley CHC is providing updated training on the new documentation to all Health and Social Care professionals involved in the process for CHC in Barnsley.
In March 2019 NHS England will be providing a Delivery Model for Continuing Healthcare which will be able to be viewed on this page. Further information regarding the Delivery Model for Continuing Healthcare will be updated when this is available.
If you would like to speak to a member of the Barnsley Continuing Healthcare Team regarding CHC please contact 01226 433634 or by email at BARNCCG.Barnsleycontinuinghealthcare@nhs.net
The CHC Fast Track contact number is 01226 433656.
The information on this webpage can be viewed in another language by using the Browsealoud tool at the top right of this website, or by using the google translate tool at the bottom of this page.
Personal Health Budgets
Adults who are eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) funding and children in receipt of continuing care have had a legal right to have a Personal Health Budget (PHB) since October 2014. Please see our page on Personal Health Budgets for more information.
Patient experience and comments for Continuing Healthcare
“My husband sadly passed away last night; but I want to pass on my thanks to all the staff for everything you have done, I don’t know what I would have done without you." - CHC service user
If you would like to comment on the Continuing Healthcare service from your perspective or as the family/representative of a patient, you can do this by contacting the Continuing Healthcare department on 01226 433634 or by sending a email to BARNCCG.Barnsleycontinuinghealthcare@nhs.net.